PT Airwave Aji Perkasa
Tentang Perusahaan
PT. Airwave Aji Perkasa, is a company that focuses on the areas of telecommunications services contractor, construction, public procurement and consulting services and survey businesses. At year of 2019 ,PT. Airwave Aji Perkasa was established and started its activities into various civil works contractors, general suppliers, electrical and mechanical construction projects. In 2019, PT. Airwave Aji Perkasa is dedicated the main of works and services into 3 (three) fields:
PT. Airwave Aji Perkasa seeks to develop professional management with an emphasis on continuing customer satisfaction to provide an excellent products and quality service, competitive prices and be responsive in a commercial relationship with various parties. PT. Airwave Aji Perkasa works together and supported by a variety of leading suppliers in the procurement of products and services, to ensure that the products and services are meeting with the consumer expectations.Prudent in the financial management company as one of the most important subject for developing sustainability, so the whole process of implementation of various projects that will be presented to the client / customer can be delivered on time. PT. Airwave Aji Perkasa as a medium-sized company with growing capital capabilities is mainly concerned in the fulfillment of customer expectations. Furthermore, PT. Airwave Aji Perkasa gives more attention to the consumer, support competence and prudent in managing business processes.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- Melakukan tagging homepas based on desktop
- Membuat gambar design plan route based on desktop
- Melakukan tagging homepass based on site actual lapangan
- Melakukan survey design plan route based on site actual lapangan
- Membuat gambar design plan based on hasil survey on site di lapangan
- Membuat BOQ Material based on hasil survey on site actual lapangan
- Membuat BOQ Service based on hasil survey on site actual lapangan
- Melakukan DRM dengan pihak owner project
- Membuat gambar design built based on hasil validasi survey dan tagging ulang homepass
- Membuat ATP Civil, Electrical dan drawing dengan owner project
Kualifikasi :
- Pendidikan minimal SMA /SMK diutamakan jurusan telekomunikasi dan teknil civil
- Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun dibidang telekomunikasi seperti FTTH, FTTX, FTTB, Backbone, OSP, ISP atau kabel coaxial, serat optic dll.
- Memahami teknologi jaringan FTTH, FTTX, FTTB dan Backbone.
- Bisa bekerjasama dengan team, keterampilan organisasi yang baik dan koordinasi yang kuat.
- Mahir dalam menggunakan microsoft office, googleEarth, Autocad, MapSource, BaseCamp, JOSM, Global Maper dan alat design civil lainnya
- Dapat menggunakan GPS (Garmin) dan aplikasi maping lainnya
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